Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jersey Shore: Free Vinny Recap :D     <----- Here's the link to the MTV website ☺

         This is definitely a show that people either hate or love. Honestly, I'm one of those people who actually like Jersey Shore, but I don't really approve of their inappropriate conduct. 
         Anyways, for this episode, this was about bringing back Vinny to the Shore house. He was having some anxiety issues, and he was really homesick, so he decided to remove himself from the hectic lifestyle, and go back to his mother's house. I mean, if I was in his position, I'd probably need to have a calm moment, too. The craziness with the filming, the partying, the alcohol, etc. So I have to give props to him, even though everyone hated that he left.
        As always, there's inappropriate stuff, but I don't post about that! I keep it PG... 13 :D
   It was also Pauly's and Mike's birthday, but I don't care about Mike. I mean, he INSTIGATES all of the DRAMA! The only cool people on the show is Vinny, Jenni, Pauly, and Ronnie. Everyone else needs to get some SELF-CONTROL! Anyways, they celebrated their birthday by partying, as usual. 
          Oh, and Jersey Shore is kind of getting boring. It's better than Season 3& 4, you know, because of all of the Sam and Ron drama, and the Mike & Nicole drama. I just watch it because I want to see what happens next, but all of the drama is really pointless.
                                                                                - Jasmine

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